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United KingdomUnited Kingdom




Registered to vote

% (2024)

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At a glance

The United Kingdom held a general election on 4 July 2024 to elect Members of Parliament to sit in the House of Commons.

The Labour Party won the election after it secured a majority with 412 out of 650 seats in the House of Commons.

Leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer became the new Prime Minister after the King invited him to form a Government. 

Outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the Conservative party has stepped down as party leader but will remain until the formal arrangements for selecting a successor are in place. 

Following the election, the three largest political parties in the UK by parliamentary seats are Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. 

The electoral system in the UK is first-past-the-post.  

The UK has a population of 67.9 million and there are around 47 million registered to vote. Provisional results show voter turnout was 60% in the 2024 election, compared with 67.3% in 2019.

4 Jul 2024

Election Date

Our firm capability

Our top-ranked Public Law and Policy team has an in-depth understanding of the laws and processes governing parliament and government. The team also has in-house experience gained at the heart of government, adding to our extensive knowledge of government policy making. Working at the intersection of business and government, our pioneering approach identifies emerging political risks and opportunities, and then deploys the most effective legal and policy arguments to key decision-makers. 

We regularly support clients in their engagement with Government, by working with them to prepare advocacy strategies that combine legal and policy arguments, and helping them to deploy those strategies to maximum possible effect. In this way, clients can ensure that their regulatory environment allows them to achieve their objectives and to thrive.

  • Advising a global technology company on preparation ahead of a highly contentious appearance before one of the major parliamentary committees.
  • Advising an online tour operator on engagement with the UK Government on its COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Securing urgent UK Government public interest approval for the acquisition of a communications technology provider.
  • Advising an international pharmaceutical company on complex and highly political price negotiations with the UK Government, and an appearance before a parliamentary committee.
  • Advising a technology manufacturer on engagement with the UK Government in relation to the protection of its global patent portfolio.
  • Providing a global energy company with strategic intelligence on the impact of UK political risks in support of a major investment in the UK.
  • Advising a global engineering business on engagement with the UK and U.S. governments regarding the disclosure of information about a sensitive defence project
  • Advising the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) on a range of public law issues arising from the administration of Bulb and, in partnership with the Government Legal Department, successfully defending DESNZ against challenges brough by British Gas, Scottish Power and E.ON against the UK Government’s decision to approve the transfer of Bulb to Octopus.
  • Advising Government on its implementation of the momentous Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act, which redefined the legal landscape in the UK, post-Brexit.  This was a large-scale project on which we supported all Government departments.
  • Advising the Gambling Commission on its defence of high-profile legal challenges to its decision to select the next operator of the National Lottery.

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