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South AfricaSouth Africa




Registered to vote

% (2024)

Voter turnout

At a glance

South Africa held a general election on 29 May 2024. 

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) party led by President Cyril Ramaphosa lost its parliamentary majority, having won 40% of the votes. The party will therefore need to form a coalition government.

The main opposition Democratic Alliance party received the second highest votes with 21.8%. The party is led by John Steenhuisen. 

The country has a bicameral parliament elected every five years, comprising the 400-seat National Assembly and the 90-seat National Council of Provinces. South Africa has a list system of proportional representation based on universal adult suffrage. The National Assembly elects the president, who can serve a maximum of two terms.

South Africa has a population of 60.4 million and around 28 million registered voters. Turnout in the 2024 election was 58.6%.

29 May 2024

Election Date

Our firm capability

Hogan Lovells excels in delivering comprehensive legal services in the region, underpinned by our deep understanding of local laws and regulations. Our team of seasoned attorneys offers specialised expertise across various legal disciplines, ensuring customised solutions for our clients' unique needs. With a proven track record of successful outcomes, strong relationships with regulatory bodies, and active community engagement, we are strategically positioned to handle high-stakes cases and complex legal matters.

Our industry-specific knowledge and advanced legal technology further enhance our ability to serve clients effectively, making us a trusted partner in the region.”

  • Advising a leading South African charitable foundation on key strategic commercial and disputes matters.
  • Advising mining clients in respect of environmental compliance and representing ferrochrome and steel producers in discussions and representations with the Department of Mineral Resources, the Department of Water Affairs and the Department of Environmental Affairs and repeatedly successfully averting closure of mining operations, where appropriate.
  • Assisting clients in a successful appeal against the issuing of section 54 instructions to halt mining operations as well as instructions issued in terms of section 55 of the Mine Health and Safety Act.
  • Advising a major mining company with the regulatory review of its mining rights.
  • Assisting mining companies on a continuous basis with the regulatory compliance review of mining and prospecting rights in South Africa.  
  • Advising a U.S. multinational technology company on regulatory and commercial advice to a leading provider of smartphones, tablets, and personal computers in the development of a cutting-edge payments' application. 
  • Advising companies in relation to regulatory requirements affecting importing and exporting of goods, including foodstuffs, cosmetics, industrial chemicals and automotive components into and from South Africa. 
  • Advising several clients in relation to regulatory requirements affecting importing and exporting of goods, including foodstuffs, cosmetics, industrial chemicals and automotive components into and from South Africa. 
  • Assisting an international mining company in the disposal of a mining right and related properties. Provided advice regarding mining law regulatory compliance, drafted the required transaction documents, and prepared and submitted the applications for the required mining regulatory consents.

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