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% (2024)

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At a glance

Russia held presidential elections on 15 to 17 March 2024.

President Vladimir Putin won a fifth six-year term.

The country has a two-chamber legislature: the lower house State Duma which has 450 deputies; and the upper house Federation Council which has 170 deputies, two from each of the 85 republics and regions (including Crimea and the city of Simferopol).

The main parties are United Russia; Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF); A Just Russia-For Truth; and Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR).

Russia has a population of 144 million and around 113 million registered voters. The turnout in the 2024 election was 77.4%. In the 2021 parliamentary election, voter turnout was 51.5%.

15-17 Mar 2024

Election Date