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Portugal held a general election on 10 March 2024.

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro of the Democratic Alliance won the election and will serve a four-year term.

His party won 79 out of 230 seats in the unicameral parliament. Members serve four-year terms.

The main political parties are Socialist Party (PS); Social Democratic Party (PSD); Chega (Enough); Liberal Initiative (IL); Portuguese Communist Party (PCP); Left Bloc (BE); People's Party (CDS-PP); People-Animals-Nature (PAN); Livre; Free Party (L).

Portugal will be holding elections for the European Parliament on 9 June 2024.

Portugal has a population of 10.2 million and around 9 million registered voters. Voter turnout in the 2024 election was 59.9%.

10 Mar 2024

Election Date