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Registered to vote

% (2024)

Voter turnout

At a glance

Bangladesh held a general election on 7 January 2024. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed of the Awami League party won a fourth consecutive term. 

Her party and its allies won 225 of 300 contested seats and will serve a five-year term.

Bangladesh has a unicameral parliament consisting of 300 seats occupied by members directly elected from geographical constituencies, plus 50 seats reserved for women appointed by political parties with numbers in proportion to the party's vote.

The main political parties are the Awami League, the Bangladesh National Party and the Jatiya Party (Ershad).

The country has a population of 174 million and approximately 120 million registered voters.

Voter turnout in the 2024 election was 40%. In the previous election in 2018, voter turnout was 80%.

7 Jan 2024

Election Date