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Austria is due to hold  parliamentary elections by autumn 2024.  The Federal Parliament is bicameral with the lower house National Council (Nationalrat) and the upper house Federal Council (Bundesrat).

Voters will be voting for the National Council, which comprises 183 members elected through proportional representation for a five-year term. Seats are distributed first among 43 constituencies, then among the nine states and the remaining seats at federal level.

The current Federal Chancellor is Karl Nehammer of the Austrian People's Party.

The main political parties are Austrian People's Party; Freedom Party; Social Democratic Party; the Greens; and NEOS.

Austria will also be holding elections for the European Parliament on 9 June 2024.

Austria has a population of 8.97 million and approximately 6.4 million registered voters. Voter turnout in the 2019 parliamentary election was 75.5%.

Sep 2024

Due autumn 2024