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Uruguay is due to hold a general election on 27 October 2024.

Uruguay has a bicameral parliament elected for five-year terms by proportional representation. The upper house Senate has 30 elected members, plus an additional member who serves as chair; the lower house Chamber of Deputies has 99 elected members.

The current elected president is Luis Lacalle Pou of the ruling Partido Nacional (PN), who took office on 1 March 2020 for a five-year term. Under the country’s constitution, he will not be able to run for re-election. Álvaro Delgado is expected to run for Partido Nacional.

Carolina Cosse is expected to be the candidate for the opposition Frente Amplio (FA) party.

If no presidential candidate receives over 50% of the vote, a second round will be held on 24 November 2024.

Uruguay has a population of 3.4 million and around 2.7 million registered voters. Turnout in the 2019 elections was 90%.

27 Oct 2024

Election Date